Ernest Okonkwo once said: “In life, as in football,
culture shape the way players see things.” Indeed, it’s played out in the
contest. While Europeans approach sports as science that need to be proof;
Africans believe football is a magical game that often has mystical quality
about it.
There are some famous victories seen in annals of
the game as miracles; and equally some famous defeats brought by cruel twist of
fate. And in trying to analyze the sport from fetish point of view, most
Africans may have concluded that every football win has an element of luck in
it.This created in their mind a fathom “god of Soccer” who influences
The gods should be appeased and its power invoked in
favor of their team every time there’s a competition. And African teams have
employed several media, which is now categorized as either white or black magic.
Though, a very thin line that differentiate the rituals – horoscope, sorcery,
prophetic prayers are referred as white magic; while Voodoo, Juju, Witchcraft
regarded as black magic. The Stadium become the shrine or temple for the worshipers – African see football as another religion.
In preparing for any major tournament a typical
African team would rather employ a Voodoo Priest and its magic than invest in
sports science and technology. It is alleged that the Voodoo Priest can invoke
the wind to change directions of ball on flight or cause a goalkeeper to hallucinate to see thousands of balls at once and may not know which one is
The priest can employ Witchcraft to hypnotize
players on the field. With a human shaped wooden instrument and thread on his
hand, the priest can tie certain players from performing. In the other hand, he
can cause an average player shine like a thousand stars and score goals too.
I think this is the major reason African football
runs in vicious circle. There’s hardly innovations or improvement in their
approach and style of play.
I am not sure employing magical powers really work
in football. Maybe, in African cup of Nations or other African based
competitions. But when it comes to the world stage, African teams and their
Voodoo Priest flop like pack of cards.
The future of African football lean on the people
changing their mindset and begin to explore into the body of knowledge science
and technology offer sports today. There have been a lot of technological
innovations that has immensely improved the way football is played in Europe and
some part of America – from training machines and equipment for performance enhancement, to data analysis influencing different aspect of the game.
Let’s take some few examples. German national team
for instance, uses ‘Footbonaut’ to train their players. No wonder the team is
called ‘German Machine.’
Smart clothing and fabrics that could monitor the
players health and emotional state was proposed as far back as a decade ago. So
players can transmit a wealth of data that reflects the nuance of their
performance – can easily to acclimatize to weather.
Some teams now adopt performance analysis – using a
data driven approach for recruiting players and producing game strategy. Data
analysis has moved out of the lab and unto the playing field.