Did you know why Nigeria isn't making progress in recent past Olympic games? Why we are not discovering new talents; why we are not grooming athletes to attain international competitive standard? One of the reasons is lack of competitions like the National Sports Festival (NSF).
The NSF was last held in Lagos, Eko 2012, six years ago and the hosting right was granted to Cross River. But since then, NO SHOW.
The state couldn't host the festival nor did any other state showed interest of hosting. I mean for the last six years, it was one postponement to another as we watch our country's sporting potentials diminish and wax so low even in All African games and the Commonwealth games.
I wonder how these things happen in Nigeria. In most countries, we find states and provinces lobbying in a bid to win the hosting right of sporting tourneys like this, because the state sports commission understand 'the multiplier effects' of hosting a big sports festival as this.
Well, let me not digress, the aim of this article isn't to discuss the benefits of hosting the national sports festival. Maybe, I will dedicate another article for it.
Something to cheer about, Abuja is ready to host and the festival is starting December 6, 2018. No more postponement!
The National Council on Sports had to withdraw the hosting right of the 19th edition from Cross River.
The withdrawal was due to the failure of the state to host the festival six years after it was granted the hosting rights. According to the Minister, the inauguration of the committee is an evidence that the Federal Government has heard the call of the National Council on Sports.
Rightnow, the Torch of Unity is already traveling from state to state, is a big boost that Abuja is ready for the festival. The torch is out to sensitized athletes and to create general awareness across the country.
Now, don't try to compare Abuja 2018 to Eko 2012. This is just a rescue mission. Abuja just took the bull by the horn to host. They will do their best to deliver good organization, but it may not be anywhere compared to Eko 2012. Let's just have NSF back on track first.
In my subsequent update on, I will let you know if the festival will have television coverage and possible live broadcast.