FANZA: Join The Sports Bloggers Network In Nigeria - Connect Now!

You will get better and your blog will make more money, more regular income when you connect to FANZA, the sports bloggers network in Nigeria.

FANZA is positioned to give Sports bloggers the opportunity to connect together and to gain bargaining power to negotiate their way through with sports decision makers and brand advertisers seeking to reach and engage with sports consumers in Nigeria and beyond.

Hello, if you are a sports blogger in Nigeria, I need you to pay attention to this.

I know many Bloggers in Nigeria want to just do their own thing, their own way! They want to negotiate their own deals, and exert their own social media authority...

I am one of those digital sports marketers who feel I am probably the best in what I do, and do not need anyone to ride on my skills, relationships or connections I have built over the years. But was I wrong? Emphatically YES!

In today's world, sports bloggers are great fans influencers. Most of our work vitally engage and influence sports consumers decisions... and brand managers as well as sports administrators are aware of this. But we are largely undermined and underpaid for our work because we are not organized.

A single blogger may not have the capacity (Google Analytics) or  traffic large enough to wield such authority to influence or negotiate favorable deals,

This is the reason brand advertisers would subvert bloggers with all kind of affiliate marketing terms [Cost Per Action (CPA)] that pays little or nothing to the kind of effort the bloggers put in promotiing their corporate or product brands.

You’ve heard the saying, “No man is an island”, right? Good, the same applies to blogging, “No blogger is an island”
Bloggers need to connect with each other, share knowledge and gain power for collective bargaining, one voice to influence decisions in our sporting industry.

We have gained authority to influence the fans (our readers) an individual blogger your power to change things could be small, but together we can pull stronger just like in a thug of war.

Indeed, brand managers planning to undertake promotional campaign online often ask if I belong to any bloggers network that they can engage to run their campaign for a fee. That's one of the opportunities you will enjoy by belonging to FANZA!
This is one of the reasons you should join now! Click here to join on WhatsApp!

You'll soon realize being part of FANZA Sports blogging network has numerous advantages. You might also want to know that FANZA  doesn't demand you to be involved. You choose to.

You don’t have to participate if you don’t have anything to say or contribute, the most important thing is that you ensure that you are following closely for discussions and comments.

In the WhatsApp group, we'll share knowledge and help each other grow and provide value to their readers. You'll  have better opportunities to further monetize your blog effectively.
FANZA will develop appreciable ways of promoting blogs of the members through highlighting blogs or top posts of the week or even clustering blogs that are related and this will give you better readership of your content.

One strategy you may often use to constantly check posts and comments of the network members, if they happen to have an inquiry about something that you have a post about, you just share some valuable insights and then paste the link to that post so that they can read more about that stuff. That means more traffic to your blog.

If you have any services you are offering as a freelancer, be it writing kickass-blog posts, graphic design, SEO audit, and stuff like that, FANZA can give you a good exposure to like-minded people or people in need of your services.

With FANZA, you get to meet amazing people with the same mission as you. It indeed  make you feel good to have people who you can work closely with to achieve whatever goals you have either in life and business. There is a great feeling linked to it, and it means that you guys can help each other the advice, the ideas, and insights that you can give each other in tthe FANZA WhatsApp group will be indispensable!

Ok, Finally, I guess you will want to know who is behind the network. FANZA is the idea of Benson Chukwueke, CEO, GreenHunters Sports International and publisher of CheerOnNigeria Blog.

I encourage and recommend that you join, that is, if you are really an active sports blogger. Click here to Join Now

I will see you on the otherside.

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