How to Start Making Brisk Business After Your Country Qualify for Qatar FIFA World Cup

Listen to the acclaimed Sports marketing consultant, Benson Chukwueke 

Live discussion on his Twitter Spaces:

 "How you can start brisk business after your country qualify for Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup. 

On Friday, March 18, 2022, by 10:00 hr GMT+ (10am Nigeria time) 

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FIFA World Cup begins from the day your country qualify for the Mundial in Qatar. Attention span shift to football from then till the tournament begin in November. That means you can sell anything to anyone as long as you brand it with football; or better still if you have obtained the right to brand it with  Qatar FIFA world Cup logo or the national team supporters logo. 

Sports shops, online merchandisers, sports betting, sports media shows, bloggers, restaurants, viewing centres...can begin to make brisk business at once. This is the reason you should pray for Nigeria to qualify. You can rake in millions of dollars or so, if you diligently plan and prepare for this year. Listen and be inspired!! 

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