Monday Gift: The One Gifted to Deliver Super Falcons in Morocco


Sometimes I write like this, like a prophet giving prophetic utterances and you got to take me serious, even though this article may sound some worth subjective.




 There's the need for Super Falcons of Nigeria to switch formation and personnel that can get the job done if they want to qualify from the group stage of AWCON 2022. 

What we saw in their first match defeat was a very mobile Banyana Banyana midfield and attack out-running and winning the ball very fast, making sure Super Falcons didn't establish their game plan. The Nigerian ladies where playing flat footed and too slow in recovering during counter attack. 

We know there are many big names in the team and coach Randy Waldrum may be looking upto some of these ladies playing in big teams abroad as compared to the Bayelsa Queens merculiar striker Monday Gift.

We all know Asisat Oshoala is just recovering from injury and should not be over burdened with long hours of playing. We need some very mobile and phyiscally strong players like Uche Kanu, Gift Monday upfront.

Gift Monday, already nominated for CAF women's  young player of the year award, has a lot of goals stack on her boots. And she may just be the revelation of this tournament. Tall, fast and strong are the attributes you will give to Gift, and she can play as a lone ranger upfront.

We all saw what Gift did during NWFL Super six. She proved her worth scoring majority of Bayelsa Queens goal during the round ups. She scored 9 goals in 5 matches, was named the League Top Scorer with 12 goals, Man of the Match Award and Player of the Tournament at the finals. You cannot over look such lethal striker.

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