The Blueprint of Nigeria Football 10 years Masterplan (2022 - 2032) - A Review


The two volume document contains:

• The key factors for success and sustainable growth in the Nigeria football industry

• 15 Key areas of challenge and practical recommendations

• The short term, medium and long-term implementation of the development masterplan

• The expected result and time frame for the completion of short and medium term plan

• Why NFF should own and work with all stakeholders to achieve the masterplan

Football is ”our passion and a major tool for unity,” the President Muhamadu Bukhari affirmed that it is the responsibility of government to safeguard the sport, which has brought Nigeria many laurels, and treat it as a national asset.”

There should be a higher standard of patriotism, responsibility and commitment from those charged with the administration of our football, and all stakeholders should work together constructively and patriotically too.

The Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development and the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) should commence immediately its implementation in phases, within the fine lines of relevant sections of the Nigerian laws on sports development and the statutes of the world soccer governing body, FIFA.

By this, we should develop a football culture that will accommodate global best practices that will also help the nation to lay a solid foundation for her domestic football, put in place professionally and efficiently run leagues, entrench a consistent and stable football calendar and create a value chain which will boost the sports ecosystem.

”Achieving this will guarantee desired progress in continental and international competitions.

”A lot of work went into putting this 10-Year Masterplan together. I received regular briefings on the work being done and I am happy that our goal has been achieved. I am happy that the Masterplan enjoyed the inputs of a wide range of stakeholders in football" - President Bukhari confirmed.

”I am equally happy that the Nigeria Football 10-Year Masterplan (2022-2032) identified Fifteen (15) Key Areas of challenge and provided practical recommendations to address these fundamental problems that have bedeviled football development in the country.

”The implementation of the short term and medium term plans should commence.

”I believe this will signal a positive turning point for our football and a major step forward in our bid to create a conducive environment for its sustainability, viability and profitability.

”The Nigeria Football Federation, the body charged with the development of our football is directed to own and commence the implementation of this master plan under the supervision of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development.”

Reviewing the state of the round leather game in the country, President Buhari expressed concern that in the past years, football development has gradually stunted due to the neglect of the core orientation of football administration.

He described the governance structure around Nigeria’s domestic league as weak, adding that standards are conveniently compromised.

He, however, expressed delight that these issues and many more have been addressed in the Document.

”Nigeria’s football development must return to the path of focus on grassroots and youth development and an overall good governance structure around every level of its development. Nigeria now expects results.”

”This government has demonstrated political will. It will match it up with making the right laws and investments and work with critical stakeholders.

”I thank FIFA for its support and commitment to the development of Nigerian football which has been longstanding. I trust it will partner with Nigeria in its effort to improve the fundamentals of its football development."

The Sports Minister Samuel Dare described the 10-year Masterplan, which took the Ibrahim Galadima led 16-member Committee six months to prepare, as ”a world class document.”

The Minister said the prescriptions set forth in the Football Masterplan, if followed through with the needed will and determination, would set Nigeria’s football on a very sure footing and position it amongst the best in the world.

He added that the implementation of the Plan will resolve most issues around the status of the domestication of Nigerian laws, NFF Statutes in line with FIFA Statutes and create room for harmonious relationships in the football value chain of this country.

”The Masterplan is envisioned to encapsulate functional strategies that would outlast the current administration and firmly place Nigerian football on the path to sustainable growth and development.

”This document will be handed over to our football administrators, that is the Nigeria Football Federation, NFF, who shall be expected to implement key elements of these reports in stages.”

Dare pledged that the Ministry will monitor the faithful implementation of the Masterplan to ensure that attention is paid to the business opportunities along the value chain, governance structure, standardisation, and prioritisation of the welfare of footballers, education and awareness.

”Focus will be on building capacity for sustainable, strategic youth development programmes, efficient club administration, positive stakeholder engagement which would include Referees, Players Union, Coaches Associations, supporters, investors, local and international partnerships and collaborations,” he said

Dare also told the President that one of the most important aspects of the Committee’s work is the legal regime around football in Nigeria; and the Masterplan made some far reaching recommendations on laws and statutes governing the administration of football.

He added that subject to the final decision of the NFF Congress, the Masterplan made recommendations for the expansion of the constituents for the NFF Elective Congress and Executive Board to 111 and 16 respectively, in order to meet new realities and needs.

The Masterplan also recommended improving the tactical depth of coaches through utilising the core mandate of National Institute of Sports, pragmatic sports programmes as well as regulating the operations of academies and grassroots based programmes.spectively, in order to meet new realities and needs

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