Angry Sion Fans Burn Balotelli Shirt in Protest, Saying "The Striker is Finished"


In a video shared on social media, Balotelli's jersey is seen set on fire as the disappointed fans leave the stadium before the end of the match. 

Mario Balotelli has been having a hard time of it as of late.

Once regarded as one of the most highly-sought after prospects in world football, Balotelli currently plies his trade for FC Sion in the Swiss Super League.

Having gone on a bit of a streak back in October, he has been unable to find the back of the net since last November.

Naturally, supporters have started to lose patience with his struggles in front of goal.

In fact, some of them were so incensed after the 4-0 defeat to San Gallo last night, they decided to burn his shirt inside the stadium in protest, saying "He's finished!"

According to reports in Switzerland, fans began to leave the stands before the match had finished.

The former Italy international, 32, burst onto the scene at Inter Milan in 2009 before reuniting with his former manager Roberto Mancini at Manchester City a year later.

But he has arguably become a bit of a journeyman striker over the years ever since leaving the Etihad in 2011.

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