Where We Find Inspiration | How We Create Content that Attracts 50, 000 Visitors or More to our Blog

Sometimes, we find inspiration when we aren’t looking for one. Maybe in things that doesn’t really matter or doesn’t seem related at all, may just spark off a block buster idea for us. But we know we can’t rely on such chance to effectively run our football blog.

We understand how stressful it could be when a blogger run dry of creative muse. You could wonder for hours or even days in the wilderness of your thoughts; you could search through haze of information without success. This article may just save you all that stress.

Maybe, you’re stuck right now with what next to post on your blog or you’re searching for idea that could help you develop an award winning contents. Perhaps, that’s the reason for reading this article. You have realized you can’t continue to post less quality contents on your business blog.

Your writings represent you out there. It could give you credibility and show-off your edge over your competitors. Every article you post on your blog has a price tag.

When your writings isn’t as good as it should be, you and your organization pay a price in wasted time, wasted effort and perhaps, loss of credibility and goodwill.

 We bear this in mind and in preparing to write, we spend approximately one third of our time planning – analyzing the purpose and audience; following our guiding light, which has led us often times to find inspirations for creating award winning posts. Let me share four of those sources below:

We analyze Readers feedback and Responses: Analyzing our readers’ feedback and responses is one of the easy ways we develop award winning contents. We brainstorm on our readers’ complaints, research on their frequent inquiries and come up with article like Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ); Readers Benefits and Solutions (RB&S); or find the right Answer to Readers Objections (ARO).

From our readers feedback and responses we could determine their real need and help them find product or services that could be of benefit or absolutely satisfy those needs. We simply post articles on what we found out.

We Use Google Alert: We program this free Google tool to alert us with specific articles on trends and recent development in our industry. Then, we brainstorm on these recent developments and create our own articles according to how it affects our class of audience and what point of view, recommendations or solutions we have to proffer.

We Subscribe to Top Ranked (Related) Blogs: We keep tap on some of the top ranked blogs related to our subject of interest. Although, they are our competitors’ blog, they are source of great inspiration for us.

We subscribe and get their latest posts on our mailbox. We read some interesting articles, especially those that show up on the ‘most read’ plug-in on such blogs. We then brainstorm and spin such articles. (To spin) is to re-write an article from a different point of view.

We Access Insider’s Grapevine: we know being first to post some hard to get info or breaking news online is the easiest way to attract over 50, 000 visitors to our blog, before the news goes viral. So we keep in touch with some of our undercover informants, so to say.

We also investigate some of the grapevine making rounds in our industry, to give it a credible perspective on our blog.


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  2. This post is so insightful. Congratulations to the team cheer

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