This is the Luck You Need to Become Successful in Football


Football is highly unpredictable, but yet, doesn't base on luck. It has some element of luck though. Being at the right place at the right time may just be what you need to move forward. But that doesn't in anyway sustain you in the career of football. 

What you have learnt and in practice, perfected, may really be what can sustain you and make you stand out when the chips are down. As it is in football so it is in life. 

The little things you learn in training everyday: shot at goal, square cross, leg over, running with the ball on your strip, spot kick, set piece, penalty shots... Are the techniques that will sustain the momentum and the mental aptlitude of your game. 

Being in the right Academy, having the right coach early in life, may make all the difference. The coaches are not Pep Guardiola, nor Jose Mourinho, they are the unknown coaches at the grassroots of football development who are hardly remember nor appreciated. 

They may not look like the coach of your dream. They come in tattered track suites and patched boots, but if you decide to hear them, follow their instructions and stay on when the coach seems not to like you nor pamper you, but force you to take those difficult steps, tell you off and punish you for not getting the act perfectly well. He is actually doing you well! 

For every star you see out there, such were the training, the discipline they pass through to become who they are today, where they are now. 

A well trained talented player will always stand out in the crowd to get the attention of coaches, scouts, agents. 

You part really is to discover, be in the right place at the right time for training, development and exposure. We help you start. We can have a consultation session with you and your parents, and link you to the right academy or private coach, the right scouting programs and trial opportunity. 

Call or WhatsApp us with +2348098772556 or email:

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