How to Host A Virtual Fans Fest and Team Bonding - To Inspire Fans Loyalty and Attract New Followers to the Football Club


Villanova University basketball virtual fans fest and team bonding held on Sunday December 6, recorded 22,000 unique logins to their Zoom webinar, far beyond the 9,000 fans in their data base. 

In the 2hrs online event, the NCAA Division team sold over $500k of merchandise and got 5,000 latent fans to purchase their replica shirt. This was a huge success that blew the mind of sports marketers around the world. 

What is a Virtual Fans Fest?

A virtual fans fest is a festival (event) hosted online by a sports club to engage their fans and get them to bond together as one united family. If well organized and publicized it could attract several thousands of new fans to the club. 

Wether it is called fans fest or fans funfair, the primary goal is to bond the fans with the current team players and other nomenclatures of the club. 

Fans fest isn't new in anyway, but hosting it online is quite a recent innovation following the lockdown and social distancing lifestyle imposed on people across the world due to Corona virus pandemic. 

Hosting fans fest online gives the event a global outlook and the Villanova University basketball team experience may have proved that virtual event can be far more successful than the offline rendezvous. 

How to Host a Virtual Fans Fest

The Gadgets Required:

You need to set up a digital camera or a smartphone camera connected to a Zoom Webinar account on your Laptop or desktop. 

From your Zoom account, schedule a meeting time and duration of the event... then generate a 

meeting link with just  password or a gate register, that demand participants email and phone numbers. Fans that want to actively participate in the event must login with a Zoom App  on their smartphone or laptop. 

Creating a Facebook page and or  a YouTube channel can give the fest online extensions where fans can view the streaming of the event without fully participating. 

Virtual Fans fest Publicity

Design online banner (eFlyer or eInvitation card) with the Zoom meeting ID and password, Facebook page and YouTube channel URL clearly written. 

You can as well send a direct Zoom  event (meeting) link to all the fans on the club's database. 

Advertise the fans fest on your club's website and other channels such as Facebook and Instagram Ads. Have other strategies to reach more people and invite them for the fans fest. 

Tips on Virtual Fans Fest Programs

Make your virtual fans fest interactive and engaging. You can decide to add the following:

1. Question and Answer Talkshow between players and fans

2. Quiz and win

3. Auction & Discount sales merchandising

4. Fastest finger game

5. New membership Registration process

6. Fans Photo contest

7. Fans Vs Players dancing Competition

8. Pick and win free ticket to a home game or away trip with the team. 

9. Recognize new fans and get others to welcome them specially with team song. 

Well, if you are still finding it a bit complex to organize a virtual fans fest, you consult us at GreenHunters Sports International and let us work together to achieve it, with just an affordable fee. Call us📞: +234 809 877 2556

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