How Super Falcons of Nigeria Should Play At the FIFA Women's World Cup this July 2023


Nigeria will be participating in the FIFA Women's World Cup hosted by Australia and New Zealand this July 2023. The Nigerian ladies' team popularly known as Super Falcons relishes their chances of surpassing their quarter final best which they achieved 24 years ago in 1999. 

Critics suggest the team is aging a little bit, with key players like Onome Abi, aged 40, and Francisca Ordega at 29 being past their prime.

The Nigerian team placed 40 in the current FIFA ranking, joins group B, competing against Canada ranked 7th, Australia ranked 10th, and Ireland ranked 22. With Canada as current Olympic champions and Australia consistently contending for the trophy, few believe Nigeria stands a chance to progress from this group.

However, Nigeria has proven itself as consistent winners having qualified for every women's World Cup and previously clinching the Awcon title 11 times out of 15 tournaments. Despite losing to Morocco in the semi-final this time around, it revealed fresh strengths even their coach hadn't anticipated.

Setting the Right Game Plan

The Super Falcons of Nigeria may surprise us in the upcoming competition. Despite doubts, I believe their coach can lead this talented team quite far. Their loss to Morocco at the 2022 AWCON highlighted their strength as a unit. Even with only nine players on the field due to two red cards, they successfully defended until losing in a penalty shootout.

This feat showed us how defensively strong they are. The coach could use this by opting for defensive formations like 4-5-1 or 5-3-2, ensuring they're not easily beaten. 

The Nigerian women's team should strengthen their defense and midfield, possibly using quick counterattacks to challenge for goals, they can make it tough for rivals to score against them.

The Super Falcons boast strong players like forward Asisat Oshoala and attacking midfielder Rasheedat Ajibade These two are key to leading the team's offensive strategy.

Nigeria's women's team boost a strong offense front. Perhaps, one of the fastest female player in the world today, Asisat Oshoala, scored 21 goals for Barcelona this season despite injuries. Another promising player is Rasheedat Ajibade from Atletico Madrid, joint highest goal scorer in AWCON 2022. Other good strikers include Gift Monday a sensational attacking wonder, Uchenna KANU who usually excel as a super sub and strong pushing Desire Oparanozie will also bring her experience to the fore.

With appropriate strategy and mindset, I expect them to make significant strides in this edition of the Women's World Cup.

However, I am not sure Coach Randy Waldrum is thinking of playing such defensive formation, with the structure of the players he selected: 7 defenders, 6 midfielders and 7 forwards. One would have thought he should have more midfielders than forwards, unless, of course, he choose the best legs and may have to convert some of the forwards as each game dictates.

Nigeria vs Canada - Friday, July 21 in Melbourne

The Nigerian women's team will play their first game against Canada on July 21st in Melbourne. They had previously faced Canada in a friendly two-match series where they lost the first game 0-2, but managed a 2-2 tie in the second. Now equipped with this experience, Coach Waldrum should be able to devise an effective strategy for victory. 

The outcome of this first match is crucial as it will set the pace for how far our Nigerian ladies can advance in this edition of the women's World Cup.

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