Manchester City Fans In Nigeria - Sign Up for A Free MC Home Jersey

There are 1000 Manchester city Shirt(Jersey) up for grabs!

So if you are a Manchester city fan in Nigeria, it is your chance to own an original Man City Home Shirt for 2018/19 season, Sign Up Here  to identify with your favorite team.

Answer simple will be asked easy questions about Man city,  to confirm your contact details and to verify if you are truly a fan of the Merseyside!

The first 1000 fans who sign up here and get the quiz correctly, we'll send an MC shirt to each of them. Part of the quiz will ask you to give your shirt size and delivery address (within Nigeria).

Why you Should Identify with Your European favorite Team Manchester City

Of course, we know, every true fan would love to own the original shirt of their favorite team... that would allow them to express their close affinity with the club. But, it is more than that.

If you Sign Up Here, you will automatically be invited to join the  official Manchester city fans club in Nigeria.

You can now be involved in networking other fans and receive passive income for your effort.

You'll start to receive instant newsletter of exclusive information and inside story of happening in the club...that makes you the first to know... and put you in advantage position to bid or discount offers from the team stocks

You will recieve the fan club messages and automatically be invited to fans festivals and rendezvous In Nigeria.

 You will also be offered opportunity to travel to England to participate in Man city international fans festival and gala night.

And you will enjoy many more freebies and souvenir offer.

Be A Manchester City Fan, Sign Up Now!


  1. I want to say thanks to you. I have bookmark your site for future updates. Manchester City Jersey

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