Player's Intermediary Course At National Institute for Sports in Nigeria


About Player's Intermediary (Agent) Course At National Institute for Sports in Nigeria (NIS) 

You are welcome here! I guess you are interested in studying Player's Intermediary course here in Nigeria, that's why you are reading this post now. 

Well, you are at the right place where you can find solution to your sports business or career needs. And I hope we can help you find a clear direction after reading this article.

This are actually frequently asked questions. I get over 20 calls, WhatsApp messages and emails everyday, from people asking this same questions: Does National Institute for Sports (NIS)) offer Player's Intermediary (Agent) course? Where else can I  can go to study the course? Is there any resources available that I can study myself? 

1. Does NIS Offer Player's Intermediary Course? 

No. NIS doesn't have any course called "Player's Intermediary or Player's Agent Course. But I guess the lecturer will treat the topic in the Sport Marketing Course. Although, it is usually a brief mention with little or no details, depending on the lecturer taking it. 

Click the link below to see the list of courses you can study in NIS:

Read this: Sports Education In Nigeria: Study Coaching and Sports Business Management Courses At NIS

2. Where else Can I Go to Study Player's Intermediary (Agent) Course? 

There is no institution I know of that offers Player's Intermediary (Agent) course in Nigeria. But Colorado University offers such onsite in USA. 

You can as well study course Online at Sports Management World Wide (SMWW). 

Click the link below to get details of the Online course

Read This: Become A Soccer Agent - Online Course at SMWW

3. Is There Available Resources So I Can Study By Myself

Of course, there are a lot of book you can study and there are several resources you can download and study on the Internet. 

Go to or and search for "Soccer Player's Agent" Or Football Agent books

Study Yourself - Available Resources

I wrote this most resourceful eBook titled: "How to Start, Grow and Become A Successful Football Player's Agent"

It is a bestseller!  A 45 pages information ebook that has helped several aspiring and practicing Player's Intermediary (Agent) with several referrals and free resources on the internet you can download online. 

Read This: How to Start, Grow and Become A Successful Football Player's Agent - Highly Recommended

The eBook let you know everything about the prospects and hazards of the job. The steps you need to take now as a new player's agent, to avoid the pitfalls and to start enjoying success. 

Price: NGN5000 only! You can buy it immediately. 

Call or WhatsApp: +234 809 877 2556 for further inquiry on how to purchase the eBook now

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