Understanding Eunisell's Strategic Business Investment in the Shirt Sponsorship of Rivers United


Eunisell is an independent chemicals, oil & gas production solutions company in Nigeria. Port Harcourt is one of it's principal markets and to be able to show positive visibility with a meaningful support for the local team is so-so strategic and important.

The shirt sponsorship with Rivers United delivers a mixture of Advertising and Public Relations milestones,  if you understand the volatile nature of this oil rich city and how restive their youth can be. Eunisell are taking advantage of their love for football and for their state team - Rivers United. 

Benefits of Eunsell's Shirt Sponsorship with Rivers United

1.Corporate Brand Awareness and Visibility

Eunisell has greatly profited in its Corporate brand awareness and visibility not only in Rivers State but in Nigeria as a whole. 

Before 2015, not many people in Nigeria are aware Eunisell exist or know what they do or stand for. Today, the Corporate brand Eunisell rings a bell everywhere you go in Nigeria, especially among the youths as well as the oil & gas industry. 

You could clearly see Eunisell inscriptions in front of  Rivers United Shirt, wherever the team goes to play or being broadcast on Television, streamed on the internet or printed on Newspapers and magazines

2. Gain Youth Support and Goodwill

In a volatile city like Port Harcourt and Rivers State, Eunisell has gained a lot of goodwill among: the youths in the state.  An average youth in rivers state sees Eunisell as a socially responsible company, working to benefit youths in the area. 

That means the company has greatly reduced the possibility of being attacked by restive mobs or militants in the region. They can freely operate with little or no hazard in their workflow in the state. 

Introduce Company to Government for Possible Contract

Eunisell signing a sponsorship deal with Rivers United has directly introduced the company not only to Rivers State government, but also at the federal level also. The company is favorably disposed or positioned to discuss contract deal with government. 

4. Enjoy Tax Incentives

Eunisell are positioned to receive some tax rebate and other incentive from government for investing so much finances to support the cause of Rivers United. 

Remember, government fund Rivers United through tax payers money or through federal allocations to Rivers State. But Eunisell discounting some of the funds through it's shirt sponsorship also receive some tax rebate from government. 

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